Maia McCormick

Programmer, writer, nerd

What Are Interfaces?

go tech

This is a blog post about interfaces in Go. I wanted to write about a headscratcher that cost me several hours of work when I first started learning Go, and I figured I might as well start from the beginning and write the article on interfaces that I wish I had read back then. The story of my encounter with nil interfaces is coming soon, but for now, here’s a brief and hopefully accessible piece on interfaces in Go.1 So, without further ado, I give you…

What Is an Interface?

Coming from the dynamically-typed wild west of Python, one of the bits of Go that took the most getting used to was the idea of interfaces. An interface is a way of typing things according to their methods. If I want a function that can take any number of different types, so long as they have a given method (or two, or five) in common, I’ll want to use an interface to accomplish this (since I can’t pass in any old thing because of Go’s type safety rules). To give a concrete example, say I’ve got these classes:

type octopus struct {
    numTentacles int

func (octopus) ooze() string {
    return "ink"

type slug struct {
    salted bool

func (slug) ooze() string {
    return "slime"

slug and octopus are their own types, but both have ooze() methods. If I wanted a function to make use of the ooze method, and didn’t know how to make effective use of interfaces, I might write something like this. Note that interface{} is a wild card and I’ll explain why in a minute… but for now, just accept that this is the way we can allow this function to take either a slug OR an octopus (…or anything else, unfortunately) without Go complaining at us.

func oozeAttack(slugOrOctopus interface{}) string {
    switch oozingThing := slugOrOctopus.(type) {
        case slug:
            // cast oozingThing as a slug
            return fmt.Sprintf("You got %s’d!", oozingThing.ooze())
        case octopus:
            // cast oozingThing as an octopus
            return fmt.Sprintf("You got %s’d!", oozingThing.ooze())
            panic(```This thing doesn't know how to ooze!
            ...It sucks that you were able to pass this in
            without the compiler complaining at you, but
            here we are.```)

Ugh. Awkward, right? And it has repeated code, and it can potentially panic b/c we have no guarantees of the type of the thing we passed, and… ugh. No good. But luckily, I can use interfaces as they were meant to be used, and suddenly my code is a lot prettier:

type oozer interface{
    // the signature of a function called "ooze",
    // which takes no args and returns a string
    ooze() string

func oozeAttack(o oozer) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("You got %s’d!", o.ooze())

If an object has all of the methods required for an interface, we say that that object implements (or satisfies) that interface. In this case, both octopus and slug implement oozer because they both have ooze() methods. The compiler can check this for us, so we know that anything we pass into oozeAttack has an ooze() method and won’t break our code—in stark contrast to the example above, where we could pass in literally anything and just had to pray that it wouldn’t cause a panic at runtime.

Okay, But What Is an interface{}?

If you’ve been using Go for more than a couple of days, you’ve probably stumbled across interface{}, the mythical and mysterious empty interface (click here for dramatic effect). (I even used it in the example above.) The empty interface baffled me for a long time. I understood that practically, it was a type wildcard—you used it anywhere you weren’t sure of the type of a thing. If I have a function that’s going to get passed some thing but I don’t know what the type of that thing is, I’ll use interface{} so nothing breaks:

func printMysteryObject(thing interface{}) {
        fmt.Printf("Your mystery thing is: %v (of type %T)", thing, thing)

But it was only after I started thinking about what interfaces actually are, and reading some blog posts, that I figured out why this works. interface{} is this:

type BoringInterface interface {
        // … nothing to see here …

It’s an interface that requires no methods! And so any object at all will satisfy this interface, because any object in Go has 0+ methods. I finally understand what the flip this thing is. So exciting.

Stay tuned for part 2 in this series, “When Interfaces Go Nil (dun dun dunnn)”.

  1. I need to make the disclaimer that lots of other folks have written about this, and the Go blogpost on The Laws of Reflection probably explains this stuff better than I do. That said, I hope this blog post is more to the point, and perhaps more entertaining. (Mad props to Travis McDemus for inspiration for this excellent example of how interfaces work, which I find 100% more accessible than the io.Reader/Writer examples that get used in all the canonical Go blogposts about interfaces.) 
